The original cast of the hit police procedural drama New York Undercover is back together! The groundbreaking show, which ran on Fox from 1994 to 1999, starred Malik Yoba and Michael DeLorenzo as undercover detectives J.C. Williams and Eddie Torres. They patrolled the streets of New York City’s 4th precinct, tackling crimes ranging from gangs to drugs to murder.
The reunion comes in celebration of the show’s 30th anniversary. Yoba, DeLorenzo, and Luna Lauren Velez (who joined the cast in season two as Det. Nina Moreno) all appeared on the Tamron Hall Show on Monday, April 29th. But the celebration doesn’t stop there! The cast revealed they’re planning a nationwide tour to connect with fans.
“We’re here not just to talk about the 30th anniversary, but how we can bring this moment forward,” Yoba said on the show. “Audiences have never had a chance to have this experience with us, so we intend to go on the road as a cast.”
This is an exciting opportunity for fans to engage with the cast and experience the show in a whole new way. The tour will also feature artists who performed on the show during its original run.
New York Undercover was a groundbreaking show in several ways. It was one of the first police procedurals to feature people of color in all the leading roles. The show also tackled important social issues, including racism, sexism, drug addiction, and single parenting. In addition to the compelling storylines, the show was known for its live musical performances by popular artists.
The reunion has sparked a lot of excitement among fans. They’re eager to see the cast back together and hear about their experiences on the show.
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